Title: Blood Dream Series Name&Number: Tainted Bloodlines Book Two Author: Tobi Grim Status: Released on Amazon Death and betrayal still sting as Lupa hopes life will get back to normal. But when her and her Protector, Dameon, are given a strange case that could be involving wolfbloods, or low level witches, things don't look so great. From the way things are seem, it looks as though some one is using blood magick. And if that's the case... it won't be easy.
On top of Lupa's work case, there's still the matter of 'owing' Hammer, the drug dealer, who asks for his payment in that of breaking a spell. A spell that is nothing like Lupa has ever come across before, it's dark and dirty and bringing back memories she thought she'd pushed deep down into the dark place. She's lying to those closest to her, delving deeper into a place she dare not think about. Getting herself more involved in Hammer's world than she should. Can she take on all these battles at once? And what will happen if this dark spell gets too much for her?
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