Title: Fate Reincarnated Series Name&Number: Fate Series #6 Author: Charisse Spiers Add to your Goodreads TBR Secrets, lies, and betrayal...
That's the life Macie Culpepper has lived since the day that changed it all; the day she became emotionally paralyzed. Communication is key in any relationship and the lack of it can be costly, even deadly. Not only one life was lost that day, but two and another gained. A tarnished reputation isn't worth shaming the dead and that's one thing she will stand by. Her love for Beau will triumph all else. When everyone else left, she stayed. Beau was her only true love...or was he? Every event that occurs leads us to where we are supposed to be. One spontaneous trip to find a friendship that never had the chance to kindle, she ends up in the bed of the most sought after surfer in the west. One night of an escape was all she needed; from the pain, regret, lies, loneliness. She never bargained for the chance to feel...alive. What happens when you discover the one man that evokes emotions that were buried years ago turns out to be the younger brother of a fallen love; a tragic loss. Do you allow the guilt to consume you when you've never met his family? Ryland Reeves doesn't give a woman anything that can be used against him. Pleasure is the only thing he'll allow her to take from him. It may be one night or one month, as long as she leaves with everything she came with and nothing more. He learned early on that loving a woman only destroys you. They all move on to someone else at some point, consequences or feelings be damned. One night of passion with the one woman his family hates: his brother's killer. How can a woman like that be responsible for the ruin of an innocent man? Love and hate, aren't they all the same? Sex....the ultimate revenge; to make her love me as he did her and burn her. Fate has other plans. Neither expected to fall. His family hates her. He must choose. Which will it be? You can't love brothers. It's an unwritten rule. Bonds must be severed. The truth shall set you free...
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