Title: Moon's Child Wish Series Name&Number: Moon Child Book One Author: Alexandra Marell/C.A. Nicks Status: Released on Amazon A love so alien, it could only be achieved by magic.
A slave cage, a dying warrior and a wish with a mind of its own. . When taken by slavers, Moon-Child Carine sees her best chance of survival in the Eagle Warrior who lies dying in the corner of the dirty slave cage. Trained in magic, she uses her Wish-in-Hand to save his life and then bonds with him, despite the fact that Moon-Children and the Tribes of the Eagle are sworn enemies. Ancel, famed Eagle warrior, is furious when he realises what she’s done and vows to resist the pull of the Bonding, even though his honour requires that he repay the gift of his life by protecting her. Carine promises that if he gets her to safety, she will find a way to release him. But the Wish has chosen well and as time passes she realises their feelings for each other are not just based on magic. She must decide exactly what she’s willing to sacrifice for this man who has come to mean everything to her. Is their love real, or just a madness brought about by the Bonding? And if it is, what is she prepared to do in order to set him free?
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