Title: Ruin Series Name: Kings of Carnage MC Author: Hilary Storm Model: Dylan Horsch Photographer: Golden Czermak Available in eBook and Paperback in Amazon I’ve spent my entire life under the spotlight of the Kings of Carnage. That’s what happens when you’re the only son of their beloved President, Chaos. I’ve always known the club would be a major part of my life and it isn’t until I’m challenged to prove my worth that I really learn the value of the brotherhood.
I’ve heard it a million times over the years… The club comes first. No excuses. Until her. I recognize the trouble she’s going to cause the second I meet her. She’s different. Maybe that’s why I work so hard not to Ruin her like I have all the rest. It isn’t until much later that I realize just how special she is. She walks into my life like it’s just another day and then before I know it, I’m faced with a choice. One that might cost me my chance to earn the very patch I’ve been working so hard to get.
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