Title: My Prince World Series Name: Mayhem Makers Series Name&Number: Iron Fiends MC Book Five Author: Winter Travers Available in eBook and Paperback in Amazon The cameras are catching all of the action...
All Adalee wants to do is her job, but Fade is standing right in her way from getting it done. A storm is barreling down on the Iron Fiends MC, and Adalee is putting herself right in the middle of it. While Adalee wants to get the full story from Fade, that is the last thing he will give her. When Adalee finally realizes so much more is going on than a TV show, will it be too late?
Title: My Prince World Series Name: Mayhem Makers Series Name&Number: Iron Fiends MC Book Five Author: Winter Travers Available in Amazon The hate, the blood, the bodies...
No one could have seen this coming, but it’s now on the Iron Fiends' doorstep, and Fade knows that this is just the beginning. With the cameras rolling and the Iron Fiends having done everything they could to keep themselves off the radar, they know the time to play nice is over now. The world is about to see just what the Iron Fiends are made of. Title: Maverick World Series Name: Mayhem Makers Series Name: Road Monsters MC Author: Morgan Jane Mitchell Model: Tony Brettman Photographer: Christopher John Available for pre-order in Amazon Welcome to the Road Monsters MC
When my brothers betrayed me and my world fell apart, I ditched the Royal Bastards MC in Nashville and found a new home with the Road Monsters MC. Hallow became Maverick. Love? It died with the loss of Eve and then Sky. The open highway was all I had—until Lexi crashed into my life. She’s a lawyer on the run from the mob, and now protecting her is my mission. She’s fiery, irresistible, and makes me feel things I swore I’d never feel again. Lexi’s past is a ticking time bomb. With secrets that could bring down a dangerous man, she’s got a target on her back. My past as a detective before my MC days taught me to fight for justice, and protecting Lexi feels like my last chance to do the right thing. But every mile with Lexi blurs the lines between duty and desire. And the fight to keep her safe can only be won by a ruthless outlaw. Lexi’s world and mine couldn’t be more different. Can she love an outlaw like me? Can I keep Lexi safe without completely losing myself, or will our pasts tear us apart? Title: Fire Meets Fire World Series Name: Mayhem Makers Series Name&Number: Wretched Souls MC Book Two Author: Manda Mellett Model: Colt Kube Photographer: Golden Czermak Available in eBook and Paperback in Amazon As President of the Arizona charter of the Wretched Soulz MC, I spend my days keeping money in our coffers, our enemies at bay, and my brothers out of jail. With a reputation to uphold I can’t show any weakness. Men who cross me do so at their peril and won’t live to tell the tale.
But what do I do when it’s a woman who steals from my MC? A crime that would put anyone else underground. Treat her just like a man. But she’s not a man. I’m the Prez, I’m in charge. Men jump to my commands. But not Helo. She stands up to me, challenges me, hell, even gets the better of me when we fight hand to hand. Despite my best intentions, she intrigues me. I’m relieved when I find she isn’t invincible, that she has her own demons. But I’ve enough battles on my own hands, do I want to take on hers too? But what would I do with a woman who fights me, verbally and physically, at every turn? Title: Fire Meets Fire World Series Name: Mayhem Makers Series Name&Number: Wretched Souls MC Book Two Author: Manda Mellett Model: Colt Kube Photographer: Golden Czermak Available in Amazon As President of the Arizona charter of the Wretched Soulz MC, I spend my days keeping money in our coffers, our enemies at bay, and my brothers out of jail. With a reputation to uphold I can’t show any weakness. Men who cross me do so at their peril and won’t live to tell the tale.
But what do I do when it’s a woman who steals from my MC? A crime that would put anyone else underground. Treat her just like a man. But she’s not a man. I’m the Prez, I’m in charge. Men jump to my commands. But not Helo. She stands up to me, challenges me, hell, even gets the better of me when we fight hand to hand. Despite my best intentions, she intrigues me. I’m relieved when I find she isn’t invincible, that she has her own demons. But I’ve enough battles on my own hands, do I want to take on hers too? But what would I do with a woman who fights me, verbally and physically, at every turn? |