Title: Ambitious Bastard World Series Name: Mayhem Makers Series Name&Number: Mafia Kings of NYC Book One Author: Linny Lawless Model: Dominic Calvani Photographer: Christopher John Available in eBook and Paperback in Amazon New York City is the epicenter of money, power, greed, and violence.
Salvatore Falco, the ruthless bastard son, aims high to become the underboss, and to get there, he must prove his loyalty to his uncle, Enrico Andolini. But then there is Bianca, the princess of the Capello family. She’s both enticing and beautiful, but when things turn deadly, Bianca doesn’t fit into the big picture with Salvatore’s ambitions. To keep Bianca safe, he must push her away, but cannot deny how much he craves her. Will Salvatore prove his loyalty to the Andolini empire and rise through the ranks of becoming the biggest crime boss in New York City, or will the princess be his downfall? *** Motorcycles, Mobsters, and Mayhem author event proudly presents The Mayhem Makers Series. These standalone novels are brought to you by several bestselling authors specializing in writing twisted chaos. You'll get all the bikers, mobsters, and dark romance your heart can handle. Follow us so you never miss a new release, as they can be added in at any time!
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