Title: Cody Series Name&Number: Morningstar MC Book Four Author: D. Williams Cover Model: Marcel Pospiech Photographer: Reggie Deanching Available in eBook and Paperback in Amazon I’ve dedicated my life to saving people. First for the Navy and now for my club. So, there isn’t a chance in hell that I would allow the most infuriating woman I have ever meet to give up on life. Not only does it go against everything I believe in, but I just can’t imagine a world where she’s not annoying me. Does that make me a selfish prick? Maybe. Ask me if I care. NO, I don’t. Because at the end of the day, no amount of cursing this Latin spitfire can throw at me will ever change my mind. Life is worth fighting for. So, she’s not allowed to give up on me. I’ll punish her if she tries.
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