Title: Game Series Name&Number: Blackwings MC Devil Springs Book Eight Author: Teagan Brooks Available in eBook and Paperback in Amazon Game
At the age of eighteen, I moved out of my mother’s house and ended the toxic relationship I had with my family. Then, I joined the Blackwings MC and found the family I wished mine could have been. We’re a brotherhood and always there for each other. When Judge needed help getting caught up on orders at his security company, I was happy to help. I had no idea that one of his customers would steal my heart with her worry-filled eyes and a glass of lemonade. Blakely When both of my parents abandoned me as a newborn, my grandparents stepped in and raised me. Years later, when my grandparents retired, they decided to travel the country and left me to run their storage unit facility. Everything was going great until my estranged half brother showed up unannounced and asked me if he could put his belongings in one of my units while he served thirty days in jail. Oh, and he also wanted to leave his three-month-old son with me. I shouldn’t have agreed. But I did, and that’s when the trouble started.
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