Title: Mayhem Series Name&Number: Raiders of Valhalla MC Book Nine Author: Elizabeth Knox Models: Ryan Sherman and Charli Lillian Photographer: Golden Czermak Available in Amazon Everything between us changed in an instant.
Magnus With one of our enemies finally gone, we all thought we’d have an easy couple of months until someone else rose from the ashes. What we didn’t expect was for it to happen a lot sooner than we thought. It didn’t take months. In weeks there was another snake we needed to take down. In the midst of learning about our new enemy, another one was closing in on the club. Rayna and her mother had been targeted by her step-father ever since he was released from a Federal penitentiary. What did he do first? He went right to her mother's house to get his long awaited revenge. Luckily, they were able to escape and came straight to the club. No one had been able to locate him. He was good at hiding, but I knew he was going to sneak out of the shadows and strike when we least expected it. He did, and he almost took Rayna’s life in the process. She’d been on my radar for weeks, but I was trying to keep my distance. She was Dag’s sister and I wasn’t trying to get involved with her. I was doing a damn good job at staying away, but the moment her blood was coating my hands something changed. I couldn’t let Rayna die, and somehow our lighthearted flirtation turned into the strongest bond I’ve ever had in my life.
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