Title: Nicky The Driver Series Name&Number: Underboss Insurrection Book Two Author: Cate C. Wells Photographer: Golden Czermak Available in eBook and Paperback in Amazon He can’t take his eyes off me.
I remember Nicky Biancolli from junior high. Back then, he was always staring. My cousin warned him off, and after that, he faded into the background. Now, ten years later, he’s in my mother’s kitchen at two in the morning, and there’s a dead man in a pool of blood on the floor. Lucca Corso—the rat who killed my father—says that if I don’t marry Nicky to make peace between our families, the little brother I raised is next. I don’t have a choice. I have to go with the man who looks like he wants to eat me alive, and I have no idea whether this is about following orders or something much darker. All I know is that Nicky isn’t stalking me anymore. He owns me now, and no one is going to stop him from taking what he wants.
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