Title: Pure Luck World Series Name: Mayhem Makers Series Name&Number: O'Carroll Mafia Book One Authors: Jessa Aarons & Kay Marie Model: Dylan Horsch Photographer: Golden Czermak Available in eBook and Paperback in Amazon Remi
How hard is it to go on my first adult vacation? Broken sandal? Check. Overweight luggage? Check. Two gate changes and an overbooked flight? Check. What else can go wrong? When the most ruggedly handsome man I've ever seen comes to my rescue, offering to fly me to my event, I find myself hopping on his private jet. He's charming and inquisitive, though a bit tight-lipped when I try to get more out of him. Not one to think too much of a first meeting, I just relax and enjoy my vacation. But it doesn't take me long for my luck to run out and realize it's too good to be true. Tadhg You don't get to be where I am in life without a few bumps in the road, but as the second son of the O'Carroll Mafia family, it's all part of the territory. When I see this blue-haired fairy for the first time, I figure she'll be a nice distraction for a short time. But as we spend time together—and as my enemies try to take her from me—my jagged heart begins to agree with my need to save her and make her mine. Meeting her was a coincidence, but keeping her safe is one hundred percent my goal. I just hope she doesn't hate me when she finds out who I really am. Because the dark side of me isn't for the faint of heart. *** Motorcycles, Mobsters, and Mayhem author event proudly presents The Mayhem Makers Series. These standalone novels are brought to you by several bestselling authors specializing in writing twisted chaos. You'll get all the bikers, mobsters, and dark romance your heart can handle. Follow us so you never miss a new release, as they can be added in at any time!
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