Title: Third Time's A Charm Series Name&Number: Rule of Three Book Four Author: Ann Grech Available in eBook and Paperback in Amazon My brother’s best friend, Liam Masters—pro-footballer and temptation personified.
He’s so off limits. I’ve wanted him for years, but he still sees me as a kid. Staying away is impossible. I can’t get him out of my head, or my house. He’s everywhere. The spark Kingston ignites is a surprise. He’s educating me on how to get over Liam. The hot teacher is quiet, caring, and an old soul. He takes me to heaven with his touch. Doing Liam a favour, I introduce them so Kingston can be his tutor. But Liam’s learning more than the maths Kingston is teaching. He’s discovering a side of himself with my man, and now he wants Kingston too. I tried to walk away from Liam and wanted Kingston to myself. Can the third time be the charm? Or am I destined to watch both men I love score together, leaving me on the sidelines once again?
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