Title: Consumed Series Name: Driven World (by K. Bromberg) Author: Elizabeth Knox Model: Tessi Conquest Photographer: K. Keeton Status: Available in eBook and Paperback in Amazon Elizabeth Knox's Consumed is a sexy, lesbian contemporary romance novella set in K. Bromberg's Driven World.
Gemma Storm. That name should mean something, and to most people it does. It just doesn’t mean what I want it to. When they hear my name they automatically think of Ricky Storm, my father, the legend. Every member in my family is known for racing—except for me. I’ve gotten shot down by my father and my two brothers at every turn. They’re adamant about how it’s too dangerous. Every time I bring it up, they’re adamant it’s not the place for me. It’s all bullshit. In life nothing is ever guaranteed. Racing is just as dangerous for them as it will be for me. They think I’ve given up on my dream to prove myself as a member of this family and carry on our legacy, but I haven’t. I’m going to prove them all wrong, if it’s the last thing I do
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