Title: Felony Hex Series Name&Number: After Dark Book Two Author: Saranna DeWylde Status: Released on Amazon Esmerelda Payne is a good witch gone bad, and that’s the way she likes it. But there are consequences to every dark deed, and Esme’s comes in the form of the Witchfinder, who’s been hunting her for more than two hundred years. Nicodemus Frost is as cold as his name—except in her fantasies, where he’s hotter than Hades.
Frost has every intention of killing Esme for a grievous sin committed in her past life. But not until he gets what he wants in the here and now. He uses a spell to bend Esme to his will, make her crave his touch, his body. Frost knew the spell worked both ways, making him crave her body as well, but he wasn’t prepared for the way she got into his head—and the way that even after everything she’d done to him, she was still in his heart.
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