Title: Knight's Rescue Series Name&Number: Knights of KSI Book Two Author: Shelley Justice Model: Burton Hughes Photographer: CJC Photography Status: Available in eBook and Paperback in Amazon She escaped her past once. She never expected to have to do it again.
Sydney Reede fought to overcome the fear born from two years spent in an abusive relationship. All she wants now is a hermit’s life where she never has to risk her heart or her peace of mind again. But a chance encounter brings her ex back into her life. This time he has a purpose for her, and he's not letting her go until he gets what he wants. His life of service was over, or so he thought. Cole Atwood is at loose ends after retiring from service as a Navy SEAL. He agrees to a temporary assignment at the KSI security company. The job seems to be all he’s looking for, but there is more going on behind the scenes. He struggles to trust the new opportunity when the people around him are not what they seem. Their paths collide, and there's no looking back. A moment of terror drives Sydney into Cole’s arms, and passion ignites. They discover a love that burns quick and intense, but they can’t pursue their attraction until Sydney is free from her past. When her abusive ex proves more dangerous than they knew, they have no choice but to turn to Cole’s security team for help. Will Sydney and Cole’s bond survive the danger as dark and terrifying secrets threaten their future?
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