Title: My Guardian Gryphon Series Name&Number: Sanctuary Texas Book Six Author: Krystal Shannan Status: Released on Amazon A beauty and her beast...
Gretchen has been falling for the Gryphon of Sanctuary a little more each hour she spends in the Castle library. He reads to her, he tells her stories of the real history he lived, and surely he notices her growing affection. Only he hasn't. Or won't. But every moment she doesn't confess her love brings her closer to the doom she fears: the Sisters of the House of Lamidae need her to have a human's baby. And Alek is anything but human... Alek looks forward to finding Gretchen in the Castle library. Her smile calms his inner beast. Her happiness reminds him there is beauty in a world out to destroy his kind--Others. Supernaturals waiting for a way to leave Earth and return to their world. But Gretchen makes him want to stay. But Gretchen is off-limits. The House of Lamidae has a present destiny, and his duty is to protect them. Not fall in love.
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