Title: One Christmas Knight Author: Taryn Bradley Models: Cyle Wood & Rachel Coon Photographer: Jean Woodfin Available in Amazon Alone.
The sound of the word echoed hollow in her heart, and Kenzie Malone hated it. But since her devastating divorce and the sudden death of her father, both within the last year, she felt it was the only word that defined her. When her Navy SEAL brother brings home a buddy for the Thanksgiving holiday, she felt her spirits lifting for the first time in a long while. Damien Knight wasn’t anything like the bookish farm boy she was told to expect. Their instant attraction set the pace for a whirlwind romantic weekend, leaving Kenzie hopeful she’d found love again. Then a chance video call has her witnessing an incident which may have left her more alone than ever before. Now, as she waits for word, she has no choice but to go on with her life, hoping for a Christmas miracle, but the only gift her heart truly wants is One Christmas Knight.
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