Title: Prison Moon: Stone Dragon Series Name: Prison Moon Series Author: Alexandra Marell Status: Released on Amazon Called by a fiery dragon, but does he offer freedom or death?
Abducted from Earth for her gifts as a healer and seer, Claudia Galrese hears the dragon's desperate call the moment the alien transport comes within orbit of Prison Moon One. He needs her and she can't rest until she finds out why. Taken in a hunt they call the Chase, she's nothing more than a slave, forced to bleed her talents dry for a greedy warlord. When she realises she won't survive another year in his camp, Claudia risks it all and makes a discovery even her powers didn't see coming. She's his only hope of survival, but it might be at the cost of his saviour's life. After his brave but futile attempt to save the female dragons during the mining wars, General Tharius Dra'Kathis is left clinging to life. With no hope remaining, he's laid to rest to await death and transition to the Otherworld plains. But after two hundred years, and with his mortal dragon body turned to stone, he still awaits the pleasure of the gods. When they agree he will return, he wonders if they are playing with him yet. One touch of a female dragon's flesh. That's all he needs to bring him back. But if the females of his race are all dead, who out there is left with the power to bring this dragon back to life?
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