Title: Slade Series Name&Number: Secret Tycoons of Wyoming Book One Author: Marian Tee Status: Released on Amazon In Hartland, WY every gorgeous guy next door is a dashing billionaire in disguise.
In the small Wyoming town he calls his second home, billionaire Slade Wyndham trades his thousand-dollar suits for aprons and jeans, and instead of wheeling and dealing in the boardroom, he's manning the counter at Redwood Cafe and whipping up the best latte art in town. It's a (seasonal) role Slade's come to enjoy, but when quiet little mouse Kady applies as a part-time waitress, the billionaire finds himself adding a new job title to his résumé: fairy godfather, with Slade unable to resist the urge of teaching Kady how to stand up for herself and steal back her Prince Charming from her fake best friend. As Kady blossoms under Slade's tutelage, all signs should've pointed to a happy-ever-after ending...until the billionaire realized he was better suited to be a villain. Women like Kady deserved to be wooed and wedded, but what if all Slade wanted was to bed her?
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