Title: The Invisible Thread Series Name&Number: Unbreakable Thread Book Two Author: Lisa Suzanne Mode: Kaz van der Waard Photographer: Eric Battershell Status: Released on Amazon It's love against revenge in the highly anticipated conclusion of Lisa Suzanne's #1 bestselling rock star romance series.
One decision was all it took for Ethan Fuller's life to be flipped upside down and for Maci Dane's twenty-year plan to fall off the rails. Ethan tells Maci about the invisible thread that links two people destined to be together. The road isn't always smooth, but eventually the two people holding the thread will find their way to each other. They found their way together, yet they keep finding themselves apart. Mistake after mistake, lie after lie, grudge after grudge...it may be too much for two people to overcome. Are Maci and Ethan tied by the invisible thread, or will their thread break before they can find their way to happiness?
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