Title: The Lillim Callina Chronicles (Volume 1-3) Author: J.A. Cipriano Status: Released on Amazon This box set contains the first three novels in the Lillim Callina Chronicles: Kill it With Magic, The Hatter is Mad, and Fairy Tale
Book 1: Kill it With Magic Sixteen-year-old Lillim Callina is good at two things: running away and magic. Now, Lillim’s half-demon ex-boyfriend is contacting her for help, she has somehow gotten herself mixed up in a kidnapping, and her long-dead rival has risen from the grave. So when a dragon plotting to take over the world offers her a choice- work for him or else- Lillim Callina is going to choose else. Book 2: The Hatter is Mad Seventeen-year-old Lillim Callina is just one lamp short of perfectly decorating her apartment when an ancient orcish warrior throws a car through her front door, burns her place to the ground, and unleashes the Lord of Death on Earth. Book 3: Fairy Tale Seventeen-year-old Lillim Callina does not like living with her mother, which is why she hired fairy contractors to rebuild her apartment. But when the fairies vanish overnight, a routine task becomes an all-out battle for the future of Fairy.
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