Title: Twin Flame Series Name&Number: Otherworld Book One Author: Brynn Burke Publisher: Knox Publishing Status: Released on Amazon Oksana
Once upon a time, I had a very normal life. It wasn’t perfect, but it was mine. I often wonder what happened to that girl with that amazing life, to the friends and family who loved and adored her. I’m not that same girl anymore. For years, I’ve been the plaything to this creature, this monster, whose sole purpose was to belittle me into the submissive little pet he truly desired. I’m supposed to call him Master, but I refused to give him that satisfaction. Every day, my life is the same. I am a toy, an object to be humiliated, hurt, and used in anyway that he deemed fit. That is, until one night changes everything. The fighter inside me came alive, but so did something else. That night my savior entered my life when I least expected it. But what is freedom when you don’t know your own reality, when everything you thought you knew changed?
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