Title: Guarding Her Love Series Name&Number: The Sonoma Series Book One Author: Shelby Gunter Available in eBook and Paperback in Amazon A gruesome murder. A sickening crime scene. A treacherous betrayal.
All things I never thought I’d experience as a small town police chief. Instead of policing teenagers and bar fights, I’m walking through bloody crime scenes hoping one of my neighbors isn’t killed next. My saving grace? The beautiful blue-eyed newcomer, Quinn Lawson. She’s the light that burns away the heavy darkness on my shoulders, making it so I can do my job—protect my town… Until I fail to protect the one person who means the most to me. Taken by someone I never believed would betray me, getting her back becomes my sole focus. But with betrayal burning deep in my soul, I may cause her death before I can save her from it.
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