Title: Love Unbroken Series Name&Number: Diamond Creek Alaska Book Three Author: J.H. Croix Status: Released on Amazon Diamond Creek, Alaska offers Emma Davis the chance to get to know her newfound sister and a fresh start after she escaped a disastrous marriage. Trey Holden blows her away just with a smile. Not to mention that he’s so swoon worthy, her defenses melt in his presence--an amazing single father, wilderness pilot, and lawyer all in one.
Falling for a beautiful woman is definitely not on Trey’s radar. Until he meets Emma. Though Emma can’t deny the intense attraction between them, the emotional scars from her past have convinced her she can’t take a chance on love. The fire between Trey and Emma burns too hot to be ignored. But the ghosts of Emma’s past may have followed her to Diamond Creek. Trey is everything she thought she could never have, so she finds herself pushing him away just when she needs him the most. Can Emma let down her guard long enough to open her heart? Can Trey convince her that what they have is worth it?
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