Title: Never Give Up Author: Sarah Hardy Status: Released on Amazon Every child deserves a loving, secure, family home but for Derwin Thomas his younger years were nothing like this.
Passed from pillar to post for reasons he couldn't understand. He learns how to stand on his own two feet. Did he make any of the right decisions? Probably not. But, damn, he was having the time of his life trying, or so he had thought. In walks Emily Montgomery, a young, fiesty, eager to learn apprentice. But what she learns isn't what she signed up for. A once in a life time opportunity sits in her lap. A chance to get out of the family run business once and for all, but when taking that chance her entire life changed-forever. One soul damaged by the past, one soul trying to change the future. Will fate step in their way or will they get their happily ever after? The only thing Derwin and Emily can be certain of is that Time is what you make of it.
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