Title: A Catamount Christmas Series Name&Number: Catamount Lion Shifters Book Five Author: J.H. Croix Status: eBook and Paperback available on Amazon When Max Stone saunters back into Catamount, Maine after fifteen years, he sends Roxanne Morgan’s world spinning sideways and makes her wonder if she ever actually got over him. He’s just as sexy and smoldering as ever…and he wants another chance.
Max has no doubts about the depth of his connection with Roxanne. Neither time nor distance has faded his feelings for her. She’s everything he remembered and more—sexy, strong, and independent as hell. They were only seventeen when they fell in love, and Max's life was sent careening away from Catamount—the birthplace of mountain lion shifters—after his father's death. Now, as Roxanne faces down old fears about what it means to let her heart be vulnerable again, Max begins to kick up dust over the alleged accident that killed his father. With Christmas approaching, Roxanne and Max might be able to capture the love they thought lost, and Catamount may finally lay rest to an old betrayal among shifters.
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