Title: A Wish for Their Woman Series Name&Number: Wiccan Were Bear Book Thirteen Author: R.E. Butler Status: Released on Amazon Teck Stalking Horse, a bear shifter with Wiccan power, has spent the last few years dreaming about a female. He has no idea who she is, but he’s going crazy with need. His twin brother, Shy, has never had dreams about the pale-haired female, so Teck does his best to distance himself from his twin so he doesn’t hurt him when he leaves the den to find his mate.
On a trip to visit their Aunt Daeton at a secret Centaur city in Canada, Shy sees a young woman and the need to talk to her consumes him. When he finds her alone and crying in the woods, one touch reveals to him that she is his truemate. Through their instant connection, Shy realizes she is also Teck’s mate. While the brothers puzzle over why she was hidden from Shy, a Centaur with a chip on his shoulder tries to take their mate from them, but neither male is willing to let her go. Kaya Iridian has felt out of place ever since she was rescued by a bear shifter named Daeton and left to live with the Centaurs. Her family was killed, and she was grateful to be taken in by the king and queen of the Centaurs, but their hospitality has just run out. She’s to mate with a male of their choosing or be banished forever from the city. When she meets her mates, she finally feels as though she belongs. On their way to take her to their home, a betrayal nearly destroys them all. She finds herself fighting for her life, and for the lives of her mates and their family, with a power she didn’t know she had. This book contains a young woman with a mysterious past, two bears who are willing to share her, and the power that unites them. Expect sad goodbyes, magic, tattoos, and a happily ever after worth dying for. This book contains m/f/m interaction.
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