Title: Armor's Mistake Series Name&Number: Satan's Raiders MC Book Three Author: Elizabeth Knox Model: Jonny James Photographer: Wander Aguiar Available in eBook and Paperback in Amazon I crossed a line and I damn well knew it, but I wanted her, and I always get what I want.
Armor There are a few unspoken rules within the club. One of them is the fact we don’t go around screwing each other’s sisters and for a while it wasn’t an issue. That is, until Hammer came into the clubhouse. He was a regent from the Reapers Rejects MC up in Montana, and since Inc was there, he came here. Him being in Los Angeles was part of a bigger plan, a way to prove we were all allies. He was a good dude and a great fighter. When push came to shove we knew we could depend on him. I never expected Jada to turn my entire world around, but she did. We were passionate about the same things, and she rocked my world—both during the day and night. Over time I developed feelings for her, and while I was trying to find the man who was trafficking the children in Los Angeles, she noticed my white lies weren’t adding up. I had two choices: lie to the woman who had my heart, or tell her every horrible thing about me. It should’ve been an easy decision, but it wasn’t . . . and all I could do was hope for the best.
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