Title: Chaos Series Name&Number: Kings of Carnage MC Book One Author: Hilary Storm Model: Dylan Horsch Photographer: Mario Zermeno Available in eBook and Paperback in Amazon I’ve given up my entire life for my father’s club. He and I agreed on a compromise years ago and I haven’t looked back since. When things get messy… I’m the one they call to come in and clean it up. They call me Chaos for a reason.
We have a motto we stand by as the Kings of Carnage… Brothers before all others. No exceptions. Until her. She crashes into my dark world like an explosion to the heart and as I watch her naked body hang in an empty room, I have to decide whether to save her from the darkness or become her worst nightmare. The club expects one thing… but I want another. The only question is, how bad do I want it?
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