Title: KO Power Series Name&Number: Voodoo Troops MC Book Seven Author: Jewelz Baxter Available in eBook and Paperback in Amazon Kylelund “KO” O’Brien came to the Voodoo Troops MC to begin a new life. Filled with hate and anger, he has become a black cloud. He trusts no one outside of the club and refuses to bury his past. Instead, he lives an invisible life. No paper trails. And no names.
Della Levine is a career nurse doing the best she can to get by. She has no time for romance and has vowed to keep all men at arm's length. Now, she finds herself falling for a mysterious younger man. When secrets explode and a stalker appears, their worlds crumble. Does KO hold the key to save those around him? Can Della trust him? Or did a decade-old promise seal their fates?
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