Title: Leon's Way Author: Sunniva Dee Status: Released on Amazon Stunning club owner Leon keeps his world on a tight leash. He subdues his past by means of deviant sex, his martial arts, and his motorcycle. But when destiny throws him curveballs at the hands of a beautiful employee and a dying tormentor, he loses his precious control.
****** I’m Leon, number one object of Deepsilver’s rumor mill. Owner of student hotspot, Smother. Since I was sixteen, the world has been mine. I do everything— My way. Every co-ed in town clenches her thighs over me, but most don’t fit the bill. See, I like my girls broken . Once I detect my shade of don’t-give-a-shit damaged, I fight hard, I fight dirty, and I don’t give up until— I conquer. Drunk fathers and frequent beatings don’t merit attention, but when my despicable dad starts the process of croaking, I’m forced to remember. Thus, the downward spiral begins: my latest broken-girl turns the tables on me and splits. My hot-as-hell employee, Arriane, throws me the curve ball of a lifetime. And suddenly— I’m out of control. But at the center of my chaos, she exists. Always close, always sweet, and so beautifully fu*king… wholesome. She represents everything I’ve shied from in a woman. Still— I crave her. I’m Leon, and I don’t deny my cravings. Just—this girl is not surrendering. So here I am, fighting harder. Fighting dirtier. And goddammit all, I will— Conquer.
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