Title: Locked on Her World Series Name: Mayhem Makers Series Name&Number: Three Kings MC Book One Author: Amy Davies Model: Mike Photographer: Paul Henry Serres Available in eBook and Paperback in Amazon She is my best friend’s twin sister, and that makes her off limits.
But…she is the leading character in all of my dirty dreams. Lottie King is everything any man could wish for, but I know she is better off without me. I left the Army because of injury. Having to deal with the loss of hearing in one ear resulted in not being able to fight for my country. It’s left my head a mess, not knowing what to do next. The Three Kings MC saved me. The club gave me a family who would be loyal and have my back when I needed them, like I would be there for them, too. My life is good. The club, women, and all the liquor I could ever want. I have purpose again. When havoc from my past comes looking, I need it gone so I can move on. Especially when Lottie comes back into my life- both in good and bad ways. Now is the time for action; no more time to waste. Lottie is mine to claim, love, and protect. No one will hurt her, I will make sure of it. It is time to step up. From now until the day I take my last breath, she will be mine. Now I just need to prove to both her and myself that I’m worth it and will remain locked on her. *** Motorcycles, Mobsters, and Mayhem author event proudly presents The Mayhem Makers Series. These standalone novels are brought to you by several bestselling authors specializing in writing twisted chaos. You'll get all the bikers, mobsters, and dark romance your heart can handle. Follow us so you never miss a new release, as they can be added in at any time!
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