Title: Me'ansome World Series Name: Mayhem Makers Series Name&Number: Grave Knights MC Book One Author: M. Merin Model: Marty Ghrist Photographer: Stillhouse Photography Available in eBook and Paperback in Amazon Somehow, the quick stop his daughter asked him to make turns into anything but when Me'ansome finds himself in the middle of a romance book signing and staring into the most beautiful blue eyes he's ever seen.
You've known Parker King since Merin's first Royal Bastards MC release, now come get to know Joey's father on another level. *** Motorcycles, Mobsters, and Mayhem author event proudly presents The Mayhem Makers Series. These standalone novels are brought to you by several bestselling authors specializing in writing twisted chaos. You'll get all the bikers, mobsters, and dark romance your heart can handle. Follow us so you never miss a new release, as they can be added in at any time!
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