Title: Secrets Series Name: Russkaya Mafiya Author: Sapphire Knight Available in eBook, Paperback, and Audiobook in Amazon Running scared, I’m forced to start completely over. I escape to Tennessee where no one knows who I am. I try to blend in and decide that a huge University will be the easiest way.
Tainted, scared and alone, will he find me? Will he hurt me again? I have a secret you see. I need a savior, someone who can help me be free. I never expected to meet Tate Masterson. Strong, sexy and stubborn; with his alluring hazel eyes, tattoos and Russian accent. I never had a chance; he took one look at me and decided I was his. Tate has a secret too; the Russkaya Mafiya is in his blood. His secret could help save me, but will Tate embrace it or destroy us?
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