Title: Amara Series Name&Number: Reapers MC Book Twelve Author: Elizabeth Knox Models: George RJ & Jessie Photographer: James Critchley Status: Available in eBook and Paperback in Amazon Amara
He took me. Kept me as his own-- his plaything, his woman to toy with and torture whenever he felt like it. I've been trapped within these four walls for over a year. The slowest most agonizing year of my life. I begged for him to kill me, yet he wouldn't. You know why? Because he had too much fun with me. That's what he said. It's what he always said-- how much he enjoyed it all. There came a point when I thought it would never end . . . but it did. Dante My cousin Eduardo pulled her from the clutches of a monster. I don't call him that lightly. In our business we've seen many who are animals in suits. However, this man . . . he is among the most vile. I knew the moment she walked through my father's estate how she fancied my cousin. He even mentioned to me how she flirted with him a couple times before she was taken. I knew the woman had been through hell, and yet I didn't care. I saw the spark in her eye when she looked at my cousin, and I hated him for it. A mere glance, and I craved her more than any drug. She doesn't know it, but she will be mine.
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