Title: Bang Series Name&Number: Villains Club Book Five Author: Abbi Cook Available in eBook and Paperback in Amazon The fifth Villains Club book and the most explosive!
Helix Rule is a madman. Some say it comes from who his mother was. Others say it’s because of his father. Whatever the reason, he gets more dangerous with every passing day. His brothers think he’s the favorite son of Stephen Rule. If that’s true, his favor has been bought and paid for with blood, sweat, and tears. I don’t care about any of that, though. To me, Helix will always be that one soul who’s meant for me. Everyone thinks I’m some fool who doesn’t know what he does when I’m not around. I know. I also know why he does those things. You see, just as he’s the only person who understands me, I’m the only one who knows what lies beneath the madness. We’re joined together until the end. Only Helix decides when the end will come.
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