Title: Bronze Series Name&Number: Blackwings MC - Devil Springs Book Five Author: Teagan Brooks Model: Dylan Horsch Photographer: Furiousfotog Status: Available in eBook and Paperback in Amazon Bronze
She walked into Precious Metals out of the blue and had me under her spell in a matter of seconds. Within a few days, I was falling for her. Hard. And then life coldcocked me and knocked me off of my feet, literally. By the time I was able to stand again, she was gone. And I couldn’t spend much time searching for her because I was busy learning how to adjust to my new life. Sloane While sorting through my late mother’s belongings, I discovered a family secret. Or one my mother believed to be true. There was no way I could let it go without knowing the truth, one way or another. So, I packed my bags and headed for a town called Devil Springs. I didn’t find the answers I wanted, but I did find something I didn’t even know I was looking for, until it was suddenly taken from me. One fight. One punch. One knockout. And my whole world changed.
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