Title: Callous Series Name&Number: The Alpha Bodyguard Series Book Six Author: Sybil Bartel Model: Chris Flemming Photographer: Wander Aguiar Status: Available in eBook and Paperback on Amazon Bodyguard.
Tracker. Silent observer. Life was in the details. The weight of a government issued rifle, the trajectory of a bullet, the speed of the wind—those details were crucial in the Marines. But outside the military, that level of observation was currency, and I was selling my skills to the best security firm in south Florida. Except I wasn’t on a job when I noticed the nervous brunette pushing through the crowd. Her hair loose, her shirt borrowed, she stumbled in too-big shoes before looking over her shoulder. I didn’t follow her glance. I didn’t have to. I’d already spotted the muscle after her. The question was if I was going to do anything about it. Before I could decide, her pursuer took aim. It was the wrong move. Now everyone was going to find out how callous a bodyguard could be.
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