Title: Catching the CEO Series Name&Number: The CEO Duet Book Two Author: Cecilia Campos Status: Available in eBook and Paperback on Amazon Nina
Okay, fine. I broke my own rules and fell for the dominant, superhero CEO. So what? Our life has become one big adventure, just as he promised, so that’s a good thing, right? Our journey is just beginning and it feels as if my life is finally on the right track. Mostly...Everything should be perfect. So why does this wild ride have me feeling as though I’m losing all control? Sebastian I always get what I want and this time is no exception. After years of perfecting and executing my plan, Nina is finally mine. That was the easy part. Now, I have to figure out how to keep her once she finds out I’m not the superhero she thinks I am. People say life is a delicate balance of holding on and letting go? Well... screw that. This time, I’m never letting go.
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