Title: Essence Redeemed Series Name&Number: Essence Extracted Book Three Author: Carey Decevito Status: Available in eBook and Paperback on Amazon Darkness falls onto the world…
When attacks spread worldwide, Payton knows she’s at the helm of the greatest battle the Fae have ever seen. Panic reigns, evil is at every turn, and embracing her destiny is the only way. Meeting the council—on her Scottish ancestral grounds—seems rather self-explanatory, but she soon discovers tradition dictates their decision-making. With Rafe, his family, Fae friends, witches, and an oracle at her back, will she cave to the old ways, or seek out new means for her kind? While unknowns lurk at every turn, threatening to thwart the new Royal in her quest for salvation, it’s clear nothing is certain…and evil may actually prevail if her plans crumble.
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