Title: His Fantasy Series Name&Number: Hamilton Investigation & Security Book Eight Author: Sheila Kell Model: Zeke Samples & Kelsey Krugman Photographer: Eric Battershell Status: Available in eBook and Paperback on Amazon Brad Hamilton joins the family business after leaving the Secret Service in disgrace. When he fails to clear his name, anger resides in his world. But given a second chance to exonerate himself doesn’t hold meaning until Madison Maxwell is at his side.
Madison had been Brad’s fantasy for many years. When they finally connect for a night of passion, he could’ve died a happy man, except she left without a backward glance. When Madison returns to Baltimore, Brad sees his opportunity to rekindle a spark that’s yet to fade. But when she witnesses a murder and receives threats, he’ll stop at nothing to keep her safe. In his effort to protect her, Brad unwittingly brings danger to her doorstep. Can Brad save Madison from two possible threats while separating his fantasy and reality?
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