Title: Lincoln Series Name&Number: Knights Corruption MC Series Next Generation Book Two Author: S. Nelson Status: Available in eBook and Paperback in Amazon I was trained to fight. I held the title of undefeated in the seedy underbelly of that world. And minus the precarious situation that arose within our club, life was otherwise good.
Until the day I saw her huddled in the corner of the basement where my latest bout was held, her wide eyes searching the crowd until they collided with mine. I didn’t care she belonged to the Savage Reapers. I didn’t listen when I’d been told to stay away from her, to mind my own business. I didn’t heed the warnings. Because of my selfish need to protect her, the war between our clubs was once again ignited, a battle that had ceased decades ago. As a result, disturbing secrets would be revealed, testing the resolve of every member of the Knights Corruption.
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