Title: Protecting a Steele Series Name&Number: Steele Bros Book Three Author: Elizabeth Knox Model: Cody Smith Photographer: Reggie Deanching Status: Available in eBook and Paperback on Amazon Reggie
Christian asked something of me that I’ve never done before — to lie to his brothers. In the grand scheme of things, he asked much more than that. The first was to deceive both Jordan and Logan, but the next was something I never expected. He wanted me to protect his little sister. Madigan is the hidden love child who’s been their father’s best kept secret all these years, even from his own sons. Except Christian had known about her existence for years and during the aftermath of keeping an explosive secret from his brothers, we’re all preparing for the terror that is headed our way. Of course Madigan couldn’t have been just a normal woman. She brought a shit ton of baggage with her along the way.
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