Title: Ruthless Series Name&Number: The Clans Book Seven Authors: Iris Sweetwater & Elizabeth Knox Model: Katie Marie Photographer: FuriousFotog a.k.a Golden Czermak Status: Available in eBook and Paperback on Amazon Carla
Throughout my entire life I’ve only wanted one thing — independence. It might seem easy, but it’s quite the contrary. It’s nothing but a myth in my family because my life is not my own. It never has been and it never will be. At least, not until now. I made a deal with my father to gain some aspect of freedom. I would marry a Romanian Clan leader to unite their vast mafia with our family hitman business. Two powerful families coming together, creating the most feared partnership in the world. I only wonder if my new husband will take the independence I cherish so dearly away from me, or will he open the door to my cage and set me free.
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