Title: Blind Barriers (Collection 1) Author: Sophie Davis Status: Released Raven Ferragamo is starting a new life. Taking a year off after high school, she moves to Washington, D.C., leaving her childhood friends, her family, and her problems behind. The clean break with her past starts off better than she dreamed when a hunky neighbor offers to be her D.C. tour guide. For the first time in her short life, Raven really feels as though anything is possible.
Lark Kingsley had the perfect family, the perfect future, the perfect life. Born and raised in affluent New York society, she was bred for success. Until one day things go terribly wrong, and Lark vanishes into thin air. Seemingly coming from different worlds, the two have more in common than either could ever dream. When Raven finds Lark’s diary, it becomes clear that the girl knew that something horrible was going to happen to her. And that she wants someone to follow the clues to her disappearance. What happened to Lark, and why is she desperately pleading with Raven to find out? Blind Barriers Collection One contains: Blind Barriers, Courting Chaos, and Fragile Facade. The sequels will be released periodically throughout 2014. I'm happy to share one of the pre made covers that was bought by another successful author, Sophie Davis! We tweaked it a bit so it looked a bit different from the original pre made cover. So what do you guys think? Do you prefer the original one or the edited version? By the way, this is also a collection of the first 3 books of her Blind Barriers Series. This collection is already available on Amazon.
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