Title: Talon Series Name&Number: The Uncompromising Alphas Book One Author; Sybil Bartel Model; Jared Brown Photographer: Michael Stokes Available in eBook and Paperback in Amazon Talon
I surf. I sleep around. I pretend to smile. Two years ago my life was perfect, until it wasn't. I scattered my wife's ashes then walked away from the Marines. I didn't think I had anything left to lose. I was wrong. The blonde showed up on my doorstep beaten and stabbed. I did what I was trained to do—I stitched her up. I didn't have a clue who she was and I told myself I didn't care. Until they came looking for her. I swore I'd take my last breath before I let anyone else hurt her, except I didn't know she was keeping a deadly secret. Now I had two choices, her life or mine. Marriage and combat taught me the same thing—I was no one's hero. And I was about to prove it.
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