Title: Beneath the Surface Series Name&Number: Sugarlake Series Book Four Author: Emily McIntire Available in eBook and Paperback in Amazon Lily
We all have scars. Mine are hidden beneath ink and smiles, hard to see and easy to feel. But the most painful ones are deeper. Branded on my soul, reminding me of what I've lost. I'm broken. Sick. Disturbed. Then he shows up, and loves my jagged pieces. But monsters linger long after they're gone, and sometimes you can't outrun their shadows. No matter how much you ache to forget. Mason We all have secrets. Mine are hidden beneath ink and lies, hard to find and easy to fake. But the most painful ones are bigger. Branded on my soul, reminding me of what I've lost. I'm an enigma. A mirage. A liar. Then I find her, and she loves my hidden pieces. But history lingers long after you've gone, and sometimes you can't outrun your past. No matter how much you want to give her forever.
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